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LinkedIn Company Pages Vs Groups - Do you know the Difference?

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LinkedIn’s professional networking capability is unmatched by any other such network. This social networking site currently has more than 259 million members worldwide, LinkedIn can be a powerful marketing tool for businesses, it is also a leader in terms of generating leads to businesses and is no doubt the best social platform for Business to Business companies.

Company pages and groups are 2 of the key ways a business can make use of LinkedIn in terms of a successful tool to enhance their business online. Today, we’ll be discussing the different benefits a company page and group can provide you to take your business to the next level.

LinkedIn Company Pages

This is the face of your business on LinkedIn. It represents your brand amongst a crowd of so many millions of people. Therefore, creating inspiring business page is essential and should be your foremost priority.

Once your business page is created, start leveraging your page by first requesting for recommendations for all your products and services which are shown on your product/service section. This instantly adds value to your products in terms of increasing credibility and trust.

When compared to groups, typically a company page may have less reach because the target audience maybe limited. However, it has the benefit of having members who are more interested in your product/services. Therefore, posting content with regard to product/service related updates, requesting product/service related feedback/suggestions, new products, promoting your latest offer, etc. should be done.

LinkedIn Groups

If you’re a beginner on LinkedIn, groups can be the ideal way for you to grow both personally a well as professionally. It is where you can reach out to like-minded professionals easily and share valuable content and thoughts on similar interests.

As a benefit, it has a wider reach than you company pages and you many come across experts in your field of interest from whom you can obtain valuable tips for your business.

When engaging in groups, make sure content is posted in a more engaging and non-promotional way. Creating conversations and exchanging ideas is the main purpose of a group. Therefore, sharing content such as new research data, interesting infographic’s, or free e-book links can be a good way to get the ball rolling here.

Below is a table that further depicts the differences between a LinkedIn group and a company page

DescriptionCompany PageGroup
Usefulness / BenefitBuilds a customer base, creates a channel for communication, attract new talent, establish credibility.Build awareness, connect with thought leaders, share valuable information, establish authority.
ReachLimited followers who are interested in your company or product/service.Wide group members who are interested on the topic of discussion.
ContentPromotions, requesting product/service related feedback/suggestions, new products, etc.New research data, interesting infographic’s, free e-book links

LinkedIn groups and Company Pages offer different values to your online presence by examining your goals and mapping your audience, evaluate whether a group, Company Page, or both will be most effective for your brand. If you need more information or any support, please contact us via

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